App Development Club: Starting on our first game

Today, there were 31 students in the after-school App Group. One student had apologised for a medical reason and another one was absent from school.

We started on a simple game that would help consolidate what we have learnt so far note my use of the first person plural, as I am sorting things out myself. This is what was achieved today:
  • Words falling across the screen (using
  • An event handler for the "touch" event.
  • When the user touches the words, they disappear.
This may not seem like much, but this simple App made them understand the concept of event handling. They also had to do some debugging, which was nice. For the first time, they had to write their own code and then look over it to find - mostly spelling - mistakes.

A few of them replaced the words with an image and one student had three different sentences coming in from different parts of the screen.

We will make this App a little more involved next time. I hope to have and iOS developer license sorted out in the next week or two so they can finish this term's sessions (six in total) with something on their mobile devices.

It was very rewarding to see the joy on some of their faces when they got it working. I really look forward to these sessions each week.

Exciting news: Corona SDK celebrity, Peach Pellen, has agreed to appear by Skype in two weeks' time. I bet the girls will be inspired by her.


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